The Goodwin Family

Saturday, January 16, 2010

HOW do we begin to discipline or train our children

Hebrews 12:5-11

Quite a bit of verses but is important for us as children of God to understand why we ourselves are disciplined by our Heavenly Father or why there is such a term as “discipline”
So first, we are going to talk about the reasoning behind discipline and in understanding and accepting His discipline- discuss ways in which we can be more like Him or sort of take on His way of parenting. Ok?
Just let you know. We will discuss a few of Q’s from study guide but we will be hopping around a lot.

Why does God Discipline us?
Well, His first reason is outlined in v.6 He Loves us and He accepts us as His children. This is WHY God disciplines us.
Man!! It feels so good to be loved and accepted doesn’t? I mean who would have thought that my ‘enduring hardship’ who make me feel loved and accepted. I know at times we feel it is ALWAYS the adversary. But in the case of Job it clearly gives us an example of a hardship. But before Job entered that hardship- God allowed it. He gave the enemy permission. (I do believe the enemy attacks us with intent to harm us- I do know also that the Lord is fully aware at all times). Sometimes it can be due to our very own disobedience (sin). Verse 10. I love verse 10b! But God disciplines us for our good so that we may share in His holiness. (Cuz remember sin separates). So He is disciplining us by correcting us and training us so that we won’t fall prey to that sin that so easily entangles us. So that we can be partakers of His holiness which is entering into His presence while being here on earth- and experiencing His all surpassing peace and joy. But ULTIMATELY we are being disciplined so we can make it to Heaven to be with Him. Amen.
Would 1 or 2 people like to share of a time when God discipline you? (SG Q 5c)

Verse 11. As we ALL know- Being disciplined does not seem pleasant at first. Shoot! If you ask me it down right HURTS! It’s EMBARRASSING and it’s HUMILIATING! BUT v.11 says it PRODUCES meaning it is making-it is developing- it is creating a Harvest (a WHOLE LOT) of RIGHTEOUSNESS and PEACE.! Whew!! Thank You Jesus! But- you know what v. 11 does? It has a catch after all that good producing bit. It says “but for only those who are being (continually) being trained by it (discipline). So it’s an ongoing thing for us to be disciplined by our Father as will it be for our children. Because we want them to reap a harvest of righteousness and peace and share in His Holiness. Mrs. Annie May told me two years ago, “our children on the only thing (possessions) we can take to heaven with us” The only thing.

So HOW do we begin to discipline or train our children?

1. The Bible As God’s Final Word

2. WE must MODEL Christ before our children
First with our spouses.

3. Man! Our Children have to trust us don’t they?
If you notice though- most people who reject Jesus- reject Him because THEY DON’T TRUST(BELIEVE)THAT THIS BIBLE IS TRUE.!
How can we as parents teach our children to trust us so that they will obey us? DISCIPLINE is the answer!

When we discipline our children consistently and lovingly it ENCOURAGES willing obedience. Praise the LORD!

John 14:15 says. Jesus said, “If you love me, you will obey my commands.”

Obedience is based on TRUST and at the HEART of TRUST is LOVE!

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