The Goodwin Family

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Grace in failure

The Samaritan Woman: A great example of grace and failure. And the results of this grace shown to her.

John 4

Let’s Outline her failures

1. Woman
2. Samaritan
3. Married/Divorced 5 times
4. Sleeping with a man who was not her husband now

Now when I say or use being a woman and a Samaritan as a failure- use it in the sense that it was already counted against her that she was both a woman and a Samaritan.

In the Eyes of Grace

Let’s REREAD v.9-26

Isn’t that awesome! God knew her life and pulled out (exposed) her sin and in grace (with the purpose of forgiving her) showed her a new way.

What happens when we experience Grace in Failure?

Well lets continue read what happened with the Samaritan Woman
Versus 39-42

So because of this grace and forgiveness shown to her in the mist of her sin. The Samaritan woman was able to go out and share with the town about her encounter with Jesus. You have to know- that everyone in town knew who this woman was, especially the men! Based on the life she had lived and the man she was with. So for her to run back and tell the people was a big deal- she was unashamed.

I think when we experience grace/forgiveness in our failures; we learn that we don’t have to carry around the shame (and guilt) of failing. And neither do our children.

So, she goes and shares her testimony. And the other Samaritans were intrigued Enough to go find Jesus for themselves.

Isn’t that the purpose of our testimony- is to lead others to Christ by creating an interest in who He is and a hope that maybe he can do the same for me.

Revelation 12:11 They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

So these Samaritans went and sat with Jesus for two days. Listening to Him and His teachings. AHHHHH! Sort of like Lisa described when her friend challenged her. She began to sit with Jesus in her bathroom.

V. 41 Says because of His Words, many more believed. AWWEESSOOMMMEE. So our failures covered by grace and can lead people to the feet of Jesus.

And the most AWESOME part of all this is that the Samaritans come back with their OWN Testimony! Praise God.

Let’s read verse 42 Now that we have heard for OURSELVES, and we KNOW that this man really is the SAVIOR of the world. I like this verse- one of my favorites: UHH we don’t need your testimony we got one of our own!

SO our failures covered in grace can lead people to sit at the feet of Jesus and call Him Savior! Praise God for failures!

This is what we want to be an example of for our children!

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